Your daily tarot card is The Devil

Daily tarot

Below you will find your tarot card of today. Use the advice wisely. Remember that you are in control of your own future. We wish you a very happy day!!

The Devil

Tarot meaning

The devil is the fifteenth card of the tarot deck and symbolizes temptation. It can be challenging to discover what is deserved fortune and what is just a temptation. It's tempting to grab an opportunity without doing any effort, but it's not that rewarding. Having good intentions is not always good enough. Without perseverance it's almost impossible to achieve anything. The devil is also about feelings of dependency and helplessness. Remember the devil can tell good, but will eventually lead to misfortune and disaster.

Temptation  Tell the truth  Don't make use of gullibility 
Effort  Perseverance 

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