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Horoscope meaning for - Aries

Western Horoscope - Aries

Read all about the zodiac sign Aries
Date of birth March 21 - April 19
Keywords Active, courage, enthusiasm, impatience
Description Aries is the first horoscope of the zodiac. Aries are mainly very energetic and love to set things in motion. When in a good mood they do this with all enthusiasm you can imagine. Overall Aries are great company although they can be a little impatient at times.

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Check out these celebrities who also have zodiac sign Aries
Zoe Sugg (YouTube Star) / Skai Jackson (TV Actress) / Jessie J (Pop Singer) / Mariah Carey (Pop Singer) / Fergie (Pop Singer) / Amanda Bynes (TV Actress) / Eddie Murphy (Movie Actor) / Robert Downey Jr (Movie Actor) / Pharrell Williams (Rapper) / Russell Crowe (Movie Actor) / Kristen Stewart (Movie Actress) / Elle Fanning (Movie Actress) / Emma Watson (Movie Actress) / Akon (Rapper) / Victoria Beckham (Pop Singer) / Rooney Mara (Movie Actress) / James Franco (Movie Actor) / Miranda Kerr (Model) / Jamie Lynn Spears (Actress/singer) / Aly Michalka (Actress) / Lady Gaga (Singer) /

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