Horoscope meaning for - Capricorn

Western Horoscope - Capricorn

Read all about the zodiac sign Capricorn
Date of birth December 22 - January 19
Keywords Determination, practical, responsible, pessimistic
Description Capricorn is the tenth horoscope of the zodiac. Capricorn are responsible people that care about their environment. In a bad mood their responsibility can turn into pessimism. If this happens Capricorn should focus their attention on being practical in order to support themselves as well as their environment. If they manage to do this they are great people to have around!

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Check out these celebrities who also have zodiac sign Capricorn
Nash Grier (Vine Star) / Ross Lynch (TV Actor) / MattyB (Rapper) / Zayn Malik (Pop Singer) / LeBron James (Basketball Player) / Mel Gibson (Movie Actor) / Bradley Cooper (Movie Actor) / Rowan Atkinson (Movie Actor) / Nicolas Cage (Movie Actor) / Kate Middleton (Royalty) / Cody Simpson (Pop Singer) / Liam Hemsworth (Movie Actor) / Orlando Bloom (Movie Actor) / Patrick Dempsey (TV Actor) / Pitbull (Rapper) / Jim Carrey (Movie Actor) / Gary Barlow (Pop Singer) / Jared Leto (Movie Actor) / Ellie Goulding (Pop Singer) /

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