Horoscope meaning for - Gemini

Western Horoscope - Gemini

Read all about the zodiac sign Gemini
Date of birth May 21 - June 20
Keywords Communicative, intelligent, explorative, nervous
Description Gemini is the third horoscope of the zodiac. Gemini are easy adaptors as they tend to communicate quite easy with others. Whenever they are in their talkative mode they might be perceived as somewhat superficial and nervous. However in most cases Gemini tend to charm others with their social extravert tendencies.

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Check out these celebrities who also have zodiac sign Gemini
Hayes Grier (Vine Star) / Cameron Boyce (Movie Actor) / Peyton List (TV Actress) / Chloe Lukasiak (Dancer) / Ceelo Green (R&B Singer) / Morgan Freeman (Movie Actor) / Heidi Klum (Model) / Angelina Jolie (Movie Actress) / Russell Brand (Movie Actor) / Mark Wahlberg (Movie Actor) / Kanye West (Rapper) / Johnny Depp (Movie Actor) / Natalie Portman (Movie Actress) / Kate Upton (Model) / Shia LaBeouf (Movie Actor) / Chris Evans (Movie Actor) / Donald Trump (Entrepreneur) / Paul McCatney (Pop Singer) / Chris Pratt (Movie Actor) /

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Who is Baba Vanga?

Baba Vanga was a Bulgarian mystic and clairvoyant who gained fame for her alleged ability to make prophecies and predictions about the future.