Horoscope meaning for - Sagittarius

Western Horoscope - Sagittarius

Read all about the zodiac sign Sagittarius
Date of birth November 22 - December 21
Keywords Experimental, optimism, idealistic, undiplomatic
Description Sagittarius is the ninth horoscope of the zodiac. Sagittarius are often optimistic people with a strong determination to achieve their goals. Sometimes their determination makes them somewhat undiplomatic where they forget to take into account the other persons's point of view. Moreover their optimism and idealism make up for this undiplomatic tendency and therefore Sagittarius are much appreciated by their environment.

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Check out these celebrities who also have zodiac sign Sagittarius
Taylor Swift (Pop Singer) / Nicki Minaj (Rapper) / Miley Cyrus (Pop Singer) / Rita Ora (Pop Singer) / Ben Stiller (Movie Actor) / Britney Spears (Pop Singer) / Amanda Seyfried (Movie Actress) / Jay Z (Rapper) / Tyra Banks (TV Show Host) / Jamie Foxx (Movie Actor) / Vanessa Hudgens (Pop Singer) / Brad Pitt (Movie Actor) / Jonah Hill (Movie Actor) / Samuel L Jackson (Movie Actor) / Jordin Sparks (Singer) / G Hannelius (Actress) /

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