Tarot card meaning of temperance

Tarot card meaning of temperance

Below you will find your tarot card of today. Use the advice wisely. Remember that you are in control of your own future. We wish you a very happy day!!


Tarot meaning

Temperance is the fourteenth card of the tarot deck. This card symbolizes perfect harmony. It refers to the joy you can have when you are in a good balance. Temperance is applicable to healing and getting well again. A period after illness or not feeling too good. The achievements you can accomplish with little energy. Also it is all about satisfaction with the state you're in. Being healthy and feeling joyful and fine.

Perfect work pace  Feeling of resignation  No self-doubt 
Happy together  No obligations  Friendly 

Career tarot

Your work pace is perfect at the moment. You don't have the feeling that you're working too hard, but still the progress and results are fine! The tasks that you're carrying out you do with certain feeling of resignation. Enjoy this moment! You feel great and are very certain about yourself! If you're looking for a job, use this period without self-doubt in your job interviews. Are you back at work after a period of illness?

Perfect work pace  Feeling of resignation  No self-doubt 

Love tarot

Your relationship is in a stage where the both of you feel happy together! You sometimes have the feeling your partner is intrusive, but not at this moment! Use it to enjoy each other! Spend time together doing the things you love to do! If you're single, you probably enjoy having dates with several persons. The dates you have are friendly and open. You love the activities you're performing!

Happy together  No obligations  Friendly 

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