Tarot card meaning of the chariot

Tarot card meaning of the chariot

Below you will find your tarot card of today. Use the advice wisely. Remember that you are in control of your own future. We wish you a very happy day!!

The Chariot

Tarot meaning

The chariot is the seventh card of the tarot deck and symbolizes a big leap forward. This is the time to leave a familiar environment behind and find something new! The chance you will succeed is very big according to this card. Be careful not to overestimate your powers. This card is all about self-consciousness, thoroughly taking care of problems and new experiences.

Self-conscious  Thorough problem solving  Leaving 
Refreshment  Go your own way  New Relationship 

Career tarot

You're at a point in your career where you're looking for new success. If you chose to leave your current job and find something else, there's a fair chance you will succeed. You're self-conscious and are able to solve problems at work easily and thorough. If you're looking for a career try to find the gap between feeling and thinking to succeed!

Self-conscious  Thorough problem solving  Leaving 

Love tarot

You're relation can use some refreshment. This might be the time to break up, because at this point there's a fair chance this is the right step forward. Don't overestimate your powers. If you stay in your relationship, it is important to let each other go their own way! For single people there's good news. A new relationship is coming!

Refreshment  Go your own way  New Relationship 

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